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A new process is an opportunity for development, acquisition of knowledge and technical skills

Main Areas of Intervention


Termoprojecto develops activity in providing services in engineering and construction management services since 1990, having gained experience in diversified types of buildings and in all activities involving the following areas:

         - Studies and Construction Projects
         - Licensing of Projects and Works
         - Coordination , Monitoring and Technical Control
         - Management and Construction Management
         - Analysis and Review of Projects
         - Management Building Maintenance

The company's business as a service provider, is developed in an open, integrated or independently way, depending on the state of development of the process or of the interests and agreed partnerships .

Termoprojecto has developed its work in stages and isolated or in integrated and complete projects, from the planning and design phase, to the completion of the work , through the licensing, award of contracts , supervision and technical management and its financial processes .

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